How Telehealth Is Revolutionizing the Way You See Your Doctor

Written By Fam Staff
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Adnan Maqsood
high fever treatment

When you’re sick and want to see your doctor, what option do you have if you can’t get to the doctor’s office? Especially when this COVID-19 pandemic makes staying at home the safest move you can make?

That’s where telehealth comes in. This type of telemedicine eliminates the fear or inconvenience of walking into a medical facility, and anything that reduces fear during this anxious time is a good thing.

The health professionals at Family Urgent Care are skilled at using telehealth to diagnose and treat many common ailments. If you’ve never heard of our telehealth service, here’s how it works.

Telehealth explained

Telehealth is a type of teleconferencing that uses cutting-edge technology to treat patients virtually. In the past, telemedicine was primarily used in rural areas or remote places where patients didn’t have easy access to doctors. 

Telehealth is catching on quickly among medical professionals nationwide. More than 200 academic medical centers in the US offer video-based consultations to places throughout the world. About 74% of US patients use a variety of telehealth services. 

If you have a rash, you can send us a selfie. Is your child having a bad reaction to new medication? Send us a video. We can also monitor your heart rate, blood sugar, and blood pressure remotely. 

Why you should try telehealth

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to stay at home, or at least to keep at least 6 feet away from others. Telehealth is an important way to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Here are more ways telehealth can benefit you. It:

  • Affords you privacy
  • Eliminates travel to and from a medical office
  • Reduces time off from work
  • Eliminates exposure to contagious people
  • Gives you access to specialists around the world
  • Saves you money

Rest assured, we give our telehealth patients the same compassion and professionalism that we give patients who walk through our doors. We’ve added telehealth into our comprehensive list of services to give you easy access to preventive and ongoing health care. 

Of course, if you want a face-to-face consultation, our doors are always open to you.

The Health Professionals at Family Urgent Care are dedicated to helping you get well and stay well, especially during this pandemic. If you have any health concerns and think that our telehealth services can benefit you, please make an appointment by calling 219-440-7351, or by using our online booking tool.

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