I’m Ready to Lose Weight After the Holidays: Can You Help?

Written By Fam Staff
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Adnan Maqsood

New Year’s resolutions are hardly a new-fangled idea. From ancient farmers who pledged to return borrowed equipment to the medieval knights of yore who renewed their vows to chivalry, people have been resolving to better their lives at the start of a new year for thousands of years. 

The goals may have changed since resolutions were first solidified as tradition, but one truth remains: Resolutions are easy to make and difficult to keep. 

If you’re one of the millions who’ve resolved (maybe not for the first time) to lose weight, you’re likely all too familiar with resolution burnout. Of the 41% of Americans who make resolutions, only around 9% are successful in keeping them.  

But don’t let those numbers deter you; not when you have access to our team of experienced medical professionals. Here at Family Urgent Care in the Chicago area, we know how difficult it can be to get rid of stubborn weight. In this post, we take a closer look at how we partner with you to lose weight — and lose it for good. 

Why losing weight is important

Losing weight comes with many health benefits — no shock there, right? But do you know what actually happens when the pounds start to come off? Here are some lesser-known rewards and changes that come with a smaller number on the scale:

  • Improved sleep
  • Boosted and more balanced moods
  • Changes in taste
  • Enhanced memory and brain function
  • Improved libido
  • Fewer health risks

You may even find that your tastebuds change with your waistline. As you begin to eat healthier foods more consistently, your tastebuds begin to crave the stuff that’s good for you rather than the fatty, sugary grub you used to snack on. 

Why you’ve struggled to lose weight

It’s one of the best things you can do to improve your health, but unfortunately, losing weight is incredibly fickle. There are many factors that can make it difficult (or seemingly impossible) to lose weight. And then there’s the dreaded weight loss plateau where you start to make progress until it seems your body runs out of steam and simply refuses to lose any more weight. 

What’s worse is that your efforts to lose weight could actually be the reason you’re struggling. For instance, trying a diet plan you found on social media that forces you to severely cut calories or entire food groups could put the kibosh on your health goals. 

You may also be committing these other weight loss faux pas:

  • Not staying hydrated
  • Failing to get enough sleep
  • Drinking your calories, including alcohol and sugary drinks
  • Focusing too much on cardio 
  • Setting unrealistic goals
  • Leaving stress unmanaged

In some cases, your battle with weight isn’t your fault at all. There are a few medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and sleep apnea, that significantly hinder any attempts to lose weight. 

What we can do to help

Whether you’re battling bad habits, underlying health issues, or a combination of both, we know how frustrating sloth-like weight loss can be. That’s why we include a wide range of services in medically supervised weight loss programs. 

What is medically supervised weight loss? Simply put, it’s a weight loss program that you create with one of our experts to find what works best for you and maximize your results. 

We don’t just recommend whatever method is most popular at the time. Instead, we take into account your genetics, physical ability, dietary needs and preferences, emotional health, etc. 

Depending on your unique needs, we may add the following to your customized program:

  • Behavior therapy
  • Diet and nutrition counseling
  • Exercise guidance
  • Appetite suppressants
  • B-12 injections

We know that losing weight is a mind, body, and soul issue, not just a physical one. Your provider walks alongside you from start to finish to not only shed extra weight but radically change your health. 

The holidays are almost over, so it’s time to kick your health and wellness journey into overdrive — and we want to help. Get started today by calling any of our three conveniently located Chicago-area offices or booking your appointment online to talk to our experienced staff.

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