Can Urgent Care Prescribe Antibiotics? 


Feeling the dreaded tickle in your throat or a congested nose that doesn’t quit?  Maybe you’ve already Googled your symptoms and surprise, Dr. Internet has been suggesting all sorts of medicines and remedies all at once. ‘How about I just walk into urgent care clinic but do they even prescribe antibiotics?’ you’re thinking.  Let’s find […]

Can I Go To Urgent Care for Allergic Food Reactions?

Urgent Care for Allergic Food Reactions

You may be surprised to know that almost 20 million people in the United States have food allergies, of which 16 million are adults and 4 million are children.  Food allergies most commonly develop in babies and children because their immune systems are still developing. But allergies can happen at any age; there is no […]

Why Do Flu Shots Make You Feel Sick?


“I got the flu shot and still got sick! What’s the use?”  You may be feeling a bit skeptical about getting the flu vaccine when you’ve had flu, even after being vaccinated.  But here’s the thing! If you ended up sick despite the shot, it could be because you were exposed to a viral strain […]

What Are The Key Differences Between Pink Eye and Stye?

difference between pink eye and stye

There might be times when you wake up in the morning and notice your eyes are crusty, sticky and red. You may feel confused and wonder: Is it pink eye or an eye infection? In these situations, when you’ve your whole day planned, an eye problem can hinder your daily activities. However, once you know […]

How Do I Differentiate Between Measles and Chicken Pox? 

difference between measles and chickenpox

Measles and chickenpox are among the most common, highly contagious viral infections, which occur mostly in children under 12 years of age.  As a parent, seeing your child endure chickenpox or measles can be tough to bear. If the symptoms have only begun, you may also feel a bit confused, as both infections start with […]

5 Quick Ways To Beat The Heat During The Summer Wave

Is the summer wave draining your energy? You may feel like zipping out of your home for outdoor adventures, but with the sun on the brick, you’re having some second thoughts!  Extensive heat not only ruins your planned summer fun but also poses a serious threat to your health.  As the National Weather Service reports, […]

5 Doctor Recommended Remedies To Relieve Ear Pain In Sinus Infection


You’re tired of the constant pain in the ear and it’s keeping you up at night and making your days miserable!  You’ve ignored it for a day or two but it seems to get worse, especially when you’re lying down. And it’s not just uncomfortable – it’s downright annoying.  Don’t worry! Keep reading to find […]

How Long Does Corona Virus Last on Surfaces?


When the COVID-19 pandemic began, there was a lot of confusion about how the virus spread from one person to another, leaving people unsure about the different ways it could be transmitted. An infected person can spread the virus through their breathing, coughing, and sneezing, which release respiratory droplets into the air. You can become […]

What To Do If You Think You Have A Concussion?


You might have heard of athletes suffering minor head injuries or concussions during sports. But concussion can happen to anyone, child, teenager or adult who falls or takes a blow to the head.  Some common incidents include getting hit in a car accident or falling with high impact at home, work or during recreational activities.  […]

Can You Have COVID Without Fever? – Latest Update On New COVID Variants

Fever is one of the hallmark symptoms of coronavirus, but is it even possible to have COVID without a fever? Let’s dive in! The most recent Omicron variants, KP.2 and KP.3, reveal a slightly different pattern of symptoms. Unlike the Delta variant, which was dominant in 2020 and 2021, some patients infected with new COVID […]

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