What To Do If You Think You Have A Concussion?


You might have heard of athletes suffering minor head injuries or concussions during sports. But concussion can happen to anyone, child, teenager or adult who falls or takes a blow to the head.  Some common incidents include getting hit in a car accident or falling with high impact at home, work or during recreational activities.  […]

Can You Have COVID Without Fever? – Latest Update On New COVID Variants

Fever is one of the hallmark symptoms of coronavirus, but is it even possible to have COVID without a fever? Let’s dive in! The most recent Omicron variants, KP.2 and KP.3, reveal a slightly different pattern of symptoms. Unlike the Delta variant, which was dominant in 2020 and 2021, some patients infected with new COVID […]

Does Urgent Care Do Vaccines For School?


As a parent looking for your child’s vaccinations for school, you might be thinking,  ‘I really need a reliable and convenient place to get my kid’s vaccinations before school starts. Should I go for a nearby urgent care clinic?’    As a busy parent, keeping your child’s immunizations updated and maintaining records can make you feel […]

Can I Go To Urgent Care For Migraine Headache?

can i go to urgent care for migraine-min

According to a study published in 2018, 1 out of every 6 Americans reported migraine and a severe headache over a period of three months.  Migraine affects millions of people in the United States, affecting their general health, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life.  When a migraine strikes, knowing the best course of action […]

Does Vitamin C Help With Cold?

does vitamin C help with cold

Imagine you are out on a chilly winter day, enjoying fresh air, and suddenly, as you continue walking, you start to shiver, and your nose feels blocked. You might wonder if this could be the start of a cold.  Once you start looking at the remedies, you might hear people saying, ‘Load up on vitamin […]

Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Sore Throat? 

Springtime blooms are at their peak, but for many, they come with an everlasting problem—the fear of dreadful allergies.  As the sneezing and watery eyes set in, you might wonder, can these seasonal allergies also cause that pesky sore throat? And if yes, what steps can you take to overcome the symptoms of allergies?  Seasonal […]

How Long Does An Abscess Take To Heal After Drainage?

How long does abscess take to heal after drainage

You might have recently had a skin abscess drainage procedure and are wondering about the healing process and what to expect afterward.  Will it leave a scar? Can the abscess come back after drainage? We understand you might be confused with these mind-boggling questions.  Fret not! In this blog, you’re about to untie all the […]

How Dehydration Affects Your Body Beyond Thirst?


You have been out with your family in a scorching sun, enjoying summer vacations with your loved ones.  Gradually, you start feeling tired, your mouth becomes dry, and you experience a constant headache. This might be due to dehydration on a hot day.  The key is to keep an eye on your symptoms, understand the […]

What’s The Difference Between A Cut And A Laceration?

Difference between cuts and laceration.

Cuts and wounds are par for the course, as life’s full of these tiny accidents waiting to happen. You might be chopping veggies for your lunch, and then bam! You’ve cut your finger. Or maybe your child is playing in a playground and, a moment later, tripped over a stray stone and skinned their knee […]

Can COVID-19 Turn into Bronchitis?

can covid turn into bronchitis

Imagine waking up to a scratchy throat and an irritating cough on a cold morning. While COVID is still looming around, many people wonder if the severe flu from the virus can turn into other severe complications like bronchitis. Fret not! In this blog, we will guide you through the connection between COVID-19 and bronchitis […]